Community Health Services
Cholesterol Screening
We use a CardioChek machine to screen participants for total cholesterol. This test is done by fingerstick and the participant is not required to fast. Quick (1 minute) and accurate results are given to the participant immediately. Participants with abnormal results are referred to their physician for further evaluation. Education, counseling, and resources are provided by Registered Nurses.
High blood cholesterol levels signal a higher risk for heart attacks and strokes. Early detection and treatment will prevent more serious complications.
Blood Pressure Screening
The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked. Blood pressure is measured using your arm. It measures the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The device used is called a sphygmomanometer or more commonly a “blood pressure cuff”. This screening is done by a registered nurse.
One in three adults has high blood pressure. It is called the “silent killer” because a person with high blood pressure usually has no symptoms, until they have a heart attack or stroke.
Blood pressure results are available immediately to those being screened. Any participant with abnormal results are referred to their physician for further evaluation. Registered nurses do the screening, education and follow up with anyone that has high blood pressure.
Blood sugar screening measures the amount of sugar in your blood. This test can determine whether you have diabetes. Diabetes is increasing and may lead to more serious health conditions. When diabetes is caught early, more serious complications can be prevented.
The screening is done using a glucometer and a fingerstick blood test. Results are available immediately. Participants with abnormal results are referred to their physician for further evaluation. Registered nurses do the screening, education and follow-up with anyone that has a high blood sugar.
Body Mass Index Screening with Nutritional Counseling
Body mass index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s height and weight. BMI is a reliable indicator of body fat. It is used as a screening tool to identify possible weight problems. After BMI is determined a registered dietician will offer counseling to help reach the ideal BMI.
Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Everyone is at risk for skin cancer to some degree, however, there are factors that increase an individuals risk and there are steps that we all should take to prevent it. St. Peter’s University Hospital’s Community Mobile Health Services Department is committed to the education in the prevention of skin cancer. There is a dedicated nurse practitioner who will provide a thorough skin examination and consultation. Our nurse practitioner has detected countless cancerous lesions and has assisted those participants in obtaining the appropriate follow up with positive outcomes. Her work has been featured on ABC TV’s NJ Viewpoint. Education and examination are key to the prevention and treatment of skin cancer.
DermaScan Screening
DermaScan Screening is a test that uses a special light to show skin damage that is invisible to the naked eye. This damage is usually caused by excessive sun exposure. The machine is a little larger than a computer monitor. The participant places his head under a black cloak on one side of the machine to look at their face in a mirror illuminated by light. A registered nurse will be looking on the other end of the machine to indicate the condition of the skin and where sun damage has occurred. This screening is significant on educating one on how to prevent sun damage which can lead to skin cancer and premature aging.
Osteoporosis Screening
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to loose density, become weak and prone to fracture. This screening offers a peripheral measure of the ankle bone. This test is quick and non-invasive. It requires you to place your bare foot onto the ultrasound machine for a result within 15 seconds. This test is a screening tool to determine if you are at possible risk for fracture and if further testing is indicated.
Vision Screening
The device used to screen vision is called the SureSight. This handheld vision screener ensures reliable, early detection of vision abnormalities. This 5 second automatic test ensures quick and accurate results by measuring refraction.
The test is done by a Registered Nurse and results are given to the participant immediately. If the results indicate an abnormality, counseling and education is provided by a registered nurse and the participant is referred to an optometrist for further evaluation.
Hearing Screening
Hearing loss in adults can be caused by many things. It can be inherited from your parents, acquired from illness, exposure to loud noise, head injury or the aging process. Sometimes individuals do not even realize that hearing loss has occurred and it worsens over time which could lead to safety issues and a decreased quality of life. We provide audiometry testing which is used to identify certain types of hearing loss. In a quiet room, earphones are placed over your ears and you are exposed to different noise tones and your results are recorded. Your results will be discussed with you as well as if there is any indication that further testing is needed.
Stroke Risk Assessment is a prevention strategy used to screen and educate those individuals at risk for stroke. Screening assessments may include screenings for blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse rate and regularity, carotid bruits (listening with a stethoscope for an abnormal sound in the arteries located in the neck), and cholesterol. Participants will also be asked about family and personal medical history. Those at risk for stroke are referred to their physician for follow up care. Testing involves registered and advance practice nurses, patient care technicians and may involve a physician.
Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States. It is also the fourth leading cause of death. Disability and death may be spared by recognition and treatment of heart conditions before stroke occurs.