If you are among the thousands of women who have had difficulty becoming pregnant, The Saint Peter’s Gianna Center in New Brunswick is dedicated to providing a more natural alternative to assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization, in accordance with the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Comprehensive gynecologic primary care and specialized fertility and family planning techniques are used to unmask the true causes of infertility for all women, regardless of faith.
We provide general gynecological care, prenatal care, natural family planning education, and infertility services – all with a deep commitment to honoring a woman’s dignity and the sanctity of human life.
Natural family planning is a highly effective, safe, and natural method that can be used to either plan or postpone pregnancy. As an alternative to artificial methods of birth control, the practice of natural family planning allows a woman to understand the signs of fertility in order to naturally postpone a pregnancy. Natural family planning predicts a woman’s fertile time using three important body changes that take place only when ovulation is taking place. By observing these changes, a couple has a day-by-day understanding of whether they are fertile or infertile.
At The Saint Peter’s Gianna Center, fertility specialists use the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System to monitor a woman’s menstrual and fertility cycle. The FertilityCare™ System is an excellent tool for tracking a woman’s fertility and monitoring gynecologic health. By learning to identify the signs of a woman’s fertility, a couple can then learn how to use this information to achieve or avoid a pregnancy, depending on their goals. Based on research that began from collaboration between women and their physicians, the system has grown into a national and international allied healthcare model. Once patients learn to map the rhythm of their cycles, they can help the healthcare provider to detect fertility patterns that can help them to avoid or achieve pregnancy. According to a multiple-site study of 1,800 couples reported in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the FertilityCare™ System is 99.5% effective at avoiding pregnancy.
When the couple is ready to conceive, they simply choose to use the most fertile days for intercourse. Used in this way, 98% of couples of normal fertility will conceive within 4 to 6 months – 75% of them in the first month they try to conceive.
We are pleased to be the first medical practice in the community to offer two unique women's health services – The FertilityCare™ System and NaProTECHNOLOGY™ – that allow us to provide you with a natural, restorative, scientifically based approach to monitoring your health and managing your fertility.