Spread Awareness and Support Saint Peter’s
At Saint Peter’s Foundation, we know that our greatest ambassadors are the people who experience the quality care provided by Saint Peter’s Healthcare System. We hope you will join us is building a healthier tomorrow today by hosting your own fundraiser to benefit a project or program that is special to you.

Host an Online Fundraiser
Create an online fundraiser and spread the word! Online fundraisers allow you to support the project or program at Saint Peter’s that means the most to you and reach an audience of millions. Create teams, spread awareness, and make an impact today!
Host a Challenge Drive
Challenge your community, workplace, friends, and family to collect items that are needed most!
Host a Wall of Hope
A Wall of Hope fundraisers are fun, easy to put together, and illustrate the power of community. Host one in your community, office, or school and join together to support Saint Peter’s Healthcare System.
For more information, contact Saint Peter’s Foundation at 732-745-8542 or spfoundation@saintpetersuh.com.