Family Medicine Hero

Family Medicine

Family medicine is the medical specialty that provides long-term care to individuals and families. Physicians trained in family medicine are well-equipped to treat the whole person throughout his or her life. Infants, toddlers and school-aged children; adolescents and young adults; the middle-aged and the elderly all find a medical home with their family medicine doctor. It is not uncommon for a physician practicing family medicine to be treating three generations of a family.

Patients are seen by family medicine physicians regardless of illness or disease, across the various stages of their life. Family medicine physicians provide comprehensive, preventive services and diagnose and treat a variety of illnesses and chronic disease. Family medicine physicians treat patients in outpatient offices, in the hospital, in long-term care facilities and even in the home.
Family medicine physicians build relationships with their patients and also with other physicians and healthcare professionals who may need to be involved in the delivery of care in complex medical conditions. Many of our physicians also play a role in educating physicians-in-training who come to Saint Peter’s from our affiliated teaching institutions.
Physicians who are members of Saint Peter’s Family Medicine Department serve individuals and families in all communities in our area. They provide personal, comprehensive and ongoing care for their patients, helping to enhance their healthcare experience no matter what stage of life they are in.

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