Fibroids and Polyps Hero

Fibroids and Polyps

Many women suffer from the effects of uterine fibroids and polyps. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow within or extend from the muscles of the uterus. Exactly what causes them is still unknown. Polyps are the result of the overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus. Like fibroids, polyps can be present alone or in groups, and their size can vary from very small, almost microscopic, to the size of a golf ball or larger. Uterine polyps most often affect women in their 30s and 40s but half of all women have fibroids by the time they are 35.

Learn More About Uterine Fibroids

The symptoms associated with polyps include bleeding between menstrual periods as well as irregular menstrual bleeding. Women with fibroids often experience lower back pain, heavy or painful periods and frequent urination. Both fibroids and polyps can cause infertility. There is now a more efficient and safe method for removing polyps and fibroids that in addition to providing relief for women, carries less risk.


The Truclear Operative Hysteroscopy System is being used by physicians at the CARES Surgicenter to treat women with uterine fibroids and polyps. The Truclear System features a first-of-its kind device that uses a small blade inserted through a tube called a hysteroscope to simultaneously cut and remove tissue, allowing doctors to quickly capture and remove the polyps and fibroids. Among the system’s advantages is its efficiency. More rapid removal of polyps and fibroids can decrease operation time by about 75 percent and speed lowers the risk of injuring surrounding tissue.


Until recently, invasive surgical procedures that carried a greater risk of bleeding were among the options available to women suffering the common symptoms of fibroids and polyps, heavy bleeding included. This new system is advantageous to patients because it is efficient, but also because patients spend less time in the operating room, which means less anesthesia and less risks.


See also Gynecologic Surgery.

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